To register your child, please complete a registration form by September 5, 2023. Please include a check for $75, which covers the cost of the team shirt and other administrative fees associated with the season.
Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays between 3-4 pm at the cemetery. Please pick your children up at Assumption School at 4:00 pm.
Carpool volunteers will be needed to transport students to meets. All volunteers must complete the Safe Environment Training workshop (in person or online), a CORI check, and Code of Conduct.
Parents are responsible for picking their children up from meets. There will be no return rides to Assumption School if they are using the carpool.
Participation in some meets may require additional fees. Meet schedule and additional fees are to be announced.
Students health physicals must be up-to-date with the school nurse in order to participate.